Why Island Choice

Island Choice is the right choice and the best choice compared to all other drinking water sources on Guam.

Island Choice vs. Other Legal Bottled Water Companies on Guam?

  • We have offered reliable service on Guam for over 30 years
  • Almost all major companies on Guam are our customers
  • Water is our only product, so we dedicate 100% of our efforts to make sure our water quality and service is preserved. For other companies on Guam, bottled water is just one of their many beverage products, thus they are not able to focus 100% of their effort to providing the same water quality and service as Island Choice


Island Choice vs. Water stations?

  • Packaging of the water is just as important as the water itself. Cleaning the bottles “by hand” and bottling the water “by hand” does not meet FDA’s food packaging regulations and will pose potential health issues. Without using proper equipment, including ultra-high heat steam and water, bacteria and mold not visible to the naked eye remains in the bottle, which contaminates the water inside the bottle. Island Choice’s fully automated washing and bottling machine destroys all bacteria and mold in the bottles and does not use any hands to bottle the water, ensuring you receive the healthiest contamination free water in your body
  • The potential Medical Costs you would be incurring from drinking unhealthy water would be higher than the money you save from drinking low cost water. You pay for what you get!
  • We care about your health and test our water 4 times a day to ensure the safety and purity of our water
  • The Fresh and Non-bitter Taste of our water vs. other sources of water. The less chlorine and chemical there is, the fresher and less bitter the taste. If you compare our water vs. others, you will notice the taste difference. The better it tastes, the cleaner it is!
  • We are approved by the U.S. Military, one of the highest quality standard for drinking water around the world


Island Choice vs. Tap water?

  • Guam’s underground water pipes are fairly old and may have contaminants. In addition, tap water contains chemicals and chlorine, and it is not ideal to have these chemicals and contaminants in your body
  • Tap water may taste bitter or “funny” many times due to these chemicals and contaminants
  • Island Choice’s 5 step purification system and fully automated washing & bottling machine eliminates these contaminants and chemicals, making our water taste clean and fresh


Island Choice vs. Home/Office Water Filters?

  • Any high quality home/office water filters that could match the state of the art purification technology of Island Choice will not only require thousands of dollars, but will also require you to go through the hassle of replacing the filters and scheduling repairs
  • Many times you will not know if there is a problem with your filter, and after noticing there is a problem, you will have drank countless glasses of contaminated water
  • When a repair needs to be done, you will face days and weeks without water
  • By ordering from Island Choice, you will not have to spend thousands of dollars and go through the health risk and hassle of installing and maintaining a home/office filter system
  • We also test our water 4 times per day, and you will not likely have the time and proper equipment to do the same


Water vs. Other beverages?

  • Water is much healthier than soft drink and high sugar juices as the high amounts of artificial sweeteners, sodium and high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks and high sugar juices significantly increases the risk of kidney function decline and rapid weight gain
  • The human body contains about 60% water, therefore water replacement is extremely important
  • Water helps almost all of your body perform better and flushes toxins away from your body
  • Health professionals recommend drinking 8 glasses of water per day, and with the hot climate on Guam, your body requires even more fluid to perform at its optimal level